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Wednesday, 9 November 2016

How to Install a Template on Your Blogger Blog is a publishing service owned by Google that provides blogging tools for free to Google account holders. You can utilize the many free templates and design elements provided by the service, or create or upload your own .XML templates to upload to your blog. This article will teach you step-by-step how to install a template on your blogger blog.

Follow this simple guide to install your Favorite Blogger Template. Lets Proceed

Step 1

Search for the template you want or Get Free Templates Here and then choose one which suits your blog niche, we have covered a lot of blogger template for almost every niche, now Click on to the Download Botton  and save file in your hard drive.

Step 2: Extracting the folder
We compress the template folder to maintain the file size you have to unzip it so that you can access the template, to Unzip Just Right click on the file and select Extract. or else use third party software's like Winrar and 7zip.  

Step 3: Login with your gmail username and password to get access to your gmail database.

VISIT and Log in to your blogger account.

Step 4

Find the blog where you want to install the template, Now to install the template on your desired blog select "Template" Option from the dropdown.

Step 5 {Backup And Install}

Just go to the top right corner of your screen, there you will see Backup / Restore button, Click that button.

A pop up will appear and you will see two options, click the Download template button to backup your previous template.

NoteBefore doing this, Please backup your previous template because, if you have any problem after uploading the new template, the backup file will help you for restore. "

Now you lets proceed to the final and mostIMPORTANT step which is installing.

To Install the template click on Choose file Button and search for the folder where you have extracted your template file.

After looking for the desired folder just select the .XML file and click upload button. ( Folder may has a .XML file and .TXT file or Internet shortcuts, you should select only XML file. )

Dont Forget To Share With Friends  
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How to Add Submission Form to your Blog

One of the most requested features in any websites is the ability to have a contact form to your blog, this contact form is often the most technically complex aspect of the websites. This doesn’t mean that it is hard to accomplish, just that this feature is likely one of the only pieces in their site that can’t be accomplished through the WYSIWYG editor.  
What is amazing is that anyone can add a form submission to their website without any difficult programming needed using existing Google services.

Step 1: Creating The Form
Goto Google Docs. Once you’ve signed in, click on the CREATE BOTTON  and click on the ‘Form’.  Create the form that you want using their built in form creation tool. Once you’re done don’t forget to save. You can ignore the theme as you want the form elements to reflect the design of your website and you don’t want extra styling been added.

Step 2: extracting the form code
Extracting the form code is a roundabout process; the form embed code gives you a iframe to add into your site, but for our purposes, we want to grab what's inside the iframe and put it into one of our Pages. Up in the top right corner you'll see a button that says "More Actions", click on that and go down to "Embed"; a box will appear with iframe code that looks like:

<iframe src="" width="760" height="638" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>
From that code you want to grab the SRC URL, in this case
and copy/paste that into a browser window.
In that new browser window with your form, right-click on the page and select "View Page Source". Highlight and copy everything in that page from <form...> to </form>

Step 3: integrating it into your website
Now go back to your Blogger site, and edit the Page that will have you form. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab so you're not in the "Compose" tab. Paste the code that you copied in Step 2 into the the edit window.
To clean up the code I recommend removing all <div></div> elements as well as all <br> tags and style="" information. That should leave you with just the bare basics of the form and eliminate most style conflicts.
Hit Publish and you now have a form! This form submits responses to the newly created form submission spreadsheet that resides in your Google Docs account. The only trouble is that when a user submits the form it goes to an ugly page in Google Docs; Step 4 fixes that.


Step 4: setting up redirect to a thank you page
The first step to setting up a redirect to a thank you page in your site is to create the thank you page. Go to Posting -> Edit Pages and create a new page for your Thank You page.
Once you've created that page, go back to the Contact Form page. Copy/paste the following code into the "Edit HTML" tab of your contact form page, right before the <form..> element.

<script type="text/javascript">
var submitted=false;
</script><iframe id="hidden_iframe" name="hidden_iframe" onload="if(submitted){window.location='URL-OF-YOUR-THANKYOU-PAGE';}" style="display: none;"></iframe>
Change the "URL-OF-YOUR-THANKYOU-PAGE" to the URL of your thank you page.
Add the following code into the <form..> element:
onsubmit="submitted=true;" target="hidden_iframe"

Publish your changes and give it a test drive! Your form submissions should send successfully and re-route you to your thank you page once it has been submitted.

Step 5: get notified of new submissions
To get notified when someone submits a form submission you'll need to go back to your form spreadsheet in Google Docs. Click on the spreadsheet to view it, then in the options at the top of the page, click on "Tools", then "Notification Rules".  Check the box for "a user submits a form" and "email - right away", then hit "Save".

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How to create a Blogger Database for Blogger

One of the limitations to Blogger is that it dosen't have access to a database to create fields for populating content. In this tutorial we are going to show you how you can also use the same content stored in the Google Drive Spreadsheet to populate your site with the content  as well as content from any other Google Drive Spreadsheet.
This tutorial uses JQuery as the Javascript library, as well as JSON as the format to pull in the content.


1. Create spreadsheet in Google Drive or go to the spreadsheet created by your submission form.
2. Grab the docKey from the URL that looks like
3. Use Row 1 in the spreadsheet to be the column headers that are used in the variables in the code. 1-word headers preferred for this example.
4. Go to File         Publish to the Web, check automatically republish when changes are made, and hit Start Publishing


<script src=’type=’text/javascript’/>
<script src=’type=’text/javascript’/>
<script type=’text/javascript’>//<![CDATA[/**this script was written by Precious Full Gist Blog for Blogger Tips all updates to this script will be posted to Full Gist Blog please live this message and give credit where credit is due!**/

var docKey=’1Xg095tdG_9VYOb93FSh0eK52I2g6SjGg-g-pJ3u95YU’; // the docKey of your Google Docs spreadsheet
var insertAfter=’#Blog1’; // reference of object in your DOM to insert the object into
var object Type = ‘<div>’; // object that we’ll be inserting as a container for the feed information
var objectID = ‘thefeed’;// id of the object that is being inserted
var url =’’+docKey +’/od6/public/values?aIt=json’;

google.load(‘feeds’,’1’, {‘callback’ :
($.getJSON (url,
Var wrapper = $(‘#’+objectID)

var name = entry.gsx$name.$t;
var url = entry.gsx$name.$t;
var type = entry.gsx$name.$t;
var location= entry.gsx$name.$t;

<div id=’Blog1’>this won’t be necessary in your actual implementation, placeholder for the Blog1 object</div>

NOTE: Please note that the first two lines will likely not be necessary in your template as they are likely already there. Add everything  from <script type=’text/javascript’>//<![CDATA[ to //]]></script> into your template, before </head>, to get it to work

A clean version of this code can be found here or you reply in the comment box

To use multiple worksheet within one Google Spreadsheet, you need to get the individual Worksheet IDs. To do that, ask for your worksheet feed by going to:

[replace the variable with your own ID]

Within that document, easier to see if you format the XML, you’ll see the different ids beginning with the first labeled “od6”.

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Wednesday, 6 July 2016

How To Make a Living Out of Blogging

I generate about 50% of my online income from blogging,  the best advice is I can give is choose a niche you enjoy writing about as it can take a long time to take off.

Be very generous with your links to other bloggers, linking to and helping other people will often come back to reward you. Make contacts and friends with other bloggers in your niche and beyond.


With regards to monetizing there are many options. Adsense is probably most bloggers primary source but also check out affiliates, chitika, BlogAds, Link networks. Once established with PR and traffic you can sell links/adverts privately on forums like this. On a good day I've made $200 here just selling links here on a per post basis.

Blogging can take a lot of time and effort to make decent money and you'll find many blogs never do.

You can make most of my blogging income providing a blogging service for a plethora of clients who don't have time to do it themselves. You'd be surprised how many websites and companies need an average joe to go and find random stuff to write about. I have 13 clients who pay me $69.00 a month to post four times a week. It's pretty easy money in my opinion. You just have to find the people who need someone to manage their blog and that is usally no easy task.

I've also started to make *some* money through Adsense on my own blog but it requires hard work.

I'll have to agree 100% with dct on the linking advice. Bloggers like to be linked to and talked about. The chances are that if you link to them it will come back and benefit you in the long run.

You can make that much per day writing articles and posting them on my blogs. You just need to look further into possibilities. In other words. Find other ways to market your writing skills.

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Saturday, 11 June 2016

Add Share Buttons to your BLOG's Mobile view

Share blog post

Blog Traffic,Popularity and Atrraction of Loyal readers can be Easily achieved when your readers shares your post to their Social Media pages, what a way to Expose your articles.
Now that Most Visits comes from Mobile Devices, there's a need to get the social media share buttons on your Mobile template..If you're on a PC right now, you can see a Demo of it HERE

To set up yours,Follow the Instructions Below.
  1. Login to your Blogger Dashboard
  2. Click on Template
  3. Click the 'Edit HTML' button 
  4. In the Html Box, hit CTRL+F to get a Search box.
  5. In the search box,search for ]]></b:skin>
  6.  right above ]]></b:skin> paste the code Below

.shr-btn-sclmob img{  opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
.shr-btn-sclmob img:hover { opacity: 0.9; filter: alpha(opacity=90); }
.socialmediabartitlemob h5 {
margin: 0px;
font:bold 30px Port Lligat Slab;

There are Two styles: the Horizontal style and the Vertical style, so Just Copy the Code of the style You want and Paste it Directly Below <span class='post-comment-link'>

 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div align='center'>
<div class='shr-btn-sclmob'>
<div class='socialmediabartitlemob'>
  <h5> Share This Post-</h5>
</div><div align='center'>
<a class='facebook' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;t=&quot; + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share This On Facebook'><img alt='facebook share' border='0' height='50' src='' width='200'/></a></div>
<div align='center'>
<a class='google' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;t=&quot; + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share This On Google'><img border='0' height='50' src='' width='200'/></a></div>
<div align='center'>
<a class='twitter' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Tweet This'><img border='0' height='50' src='' width='200'/></a></div>
<div align='center'>
<a class='stumbleupon' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Stumble this'><img border='0' height='50' src='' width='200'/></a></div>
  </div></div>  </b:if>


 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div align='center'>
<div class='shr-btn-sclmob'>
<div class='socialmediabartitlemob'>
  <h5> <b><i><u>Sharing is Caring</u></i></b></h5>
</div><div align='center'>
 <a class="facebook" expr:href="&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;t=&quot; + data:post.title" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share This On Facebook"><img alt="facebook share" border="0" height="35" src="" width="100"  /></a><a class="google" expr:href="&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;t=&quot; + data:post.title" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share This On Google"><img border="0" height="35" src="" width="100"/></a><a class="twitter" expr:href="&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Tweet This"><img border="0" height="35" src="" width="100" /></a><a class="stumbleupon" expr:href="&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Stumble this"><img border="0" height="35" src="" width="100" /></a></div>
</div></div>  </b:if>

    You can make  changes to suit your style, for instance, the 'share this post' and 'Sharing is Caring' caption can be changed by you, you can also add some attributes like making it bold, slanted, underlined.
    To make it bold, add <b>  </b>
     To make it slanted, add <i>  </i>
    To make it underlined, add <u>  </u>

     The above tags would be Added around the  'share this post' text only, because it's present in the horizontal style already. 
        This share Buttons would show only in the Post pages, If you want it to show on all the Pages in your Blog, then delete the <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>   and the Ending </b:if> both highlighted in Red in the codes

       Now, If you want other social media buttons added, Drop them as comments below, also use the share button on this Blog to share this post to your social pages.

      Helpful Post? Drop your comments below

      Happy Blogging!
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      How to Add Random Thumbnail Posts Widget on Blogger Blog

      The Random Thumbnail Posts Widget is one of the best post widget I have ever discovered so far because it changes after every page reload.
      Do why don't you give it a try by add this wonderful gadget to your blog ......

       Random Thumbnail Posts

      Just follow the step below. 

      Step 1
      First you need to Sign In to Blogger Dashboard and select your preferred blog from the list.


      Step 2
      Then scroll your mouse down and click "Layout"  >> Click on "Add a Gadget".


      Step 3
      Now choose "HTML/Javascript" from the list add a Title and Copy the below code to it and Save.

      #random-posts img{border-radius: 10px;float:left;margin-right:5px;
      width:75px;height:75px;background-color: #F5F5F5;padding: 3px;transition: all 0.2s linear 0s;}
      #random-posts img:hover{opacity: 0.7;}
      ul#random-posts {list-style-type: none;padding: 10px;}
      #random-posts a {font-size:16px;  text-decoration: none !important; text-transform: capitalize; padding: 0px auto 5px;}
      #random-posts a:hover {text-decoration: none;}
      .rp-snippet {font-size: 11px;background: none; padding: 5px; margin-right: 8px;}
      #random-posts span {}
      #random-posts li {margin-bottom: 10px;border-bottom: 1px solid #EEEEEE; padding: 4px;}
      <ul id='random-posts'>
      <script type='text/javaScript'>
      var rdp_numposts=5;
      var rdp_snippet_length=110;
      var rdp_info='yes';
      var rdp_comment='Comments';
      var rdp_disable='Comments Disabled';
      var rdp_current=[];var rdp_total_posts=0;var rdp_current=new Array(rdp_numposts);function totalposts(json){rdp_total_posts=json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t}document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&max-results=0&callback=totalposts\"><\/script>');function getvalue(){for(var i=0;i<rdp_numposts;i++){var found=false;var rndValue=get_random();for(var j=0;j<rdp_current.length;j++){if(rdp_current[j]==rndValue){found=true;break}};if(found){i--}else{rdp_current[i]=rndValue}}};function get_random(){var ranNum=1+Math.round(Math.random()*(rdp_total_posts-1));return ranNum};
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><hr/><small><a style='margin-left:10px;font-size:8px;align:right;float:right;margin:2px;text-transform:capitalize;color:#AEAEAE;' href='' target='_blank'>Random posts widget</a></small>

      Step 4
      Finally click on the "save" button below and that's all you need to do.

      If you have any complain feel free to drop it in the comment box below.
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      Thursday, 2 June 2016

      Blog Of The Week : Techkibay Blog

      Blog Of The Week : Techkibay Blog


      Hello my great zealmatblog friends, families and my fellow bloggers and also our team we are happy to present to you the blog of the week which is entclass blog a nigeria technology blog and basically ment for any gadget related issues.
      This blog has been in existence since 2015 and well designed and mobile friendly with good desktop design.

      What type of technology related issues can I get from this blog?

      Techkibay Blog is a blog were you can get the latest and trending cheat for glo, mtn, etisalat and other software terms and conditions including some tutorial on how to use any new gadget.

      Hope they don't posts weekly?

      Huh! I can assure you that everyday not less than 4 post are being published so don't bother any blog that is been placed as blog of the week is been reviewed and approved.

      This blog is proudly owned by Philip Omale Samuel

      You can get in touch with him on Facebook

      During the blog review many blog were perfect and suitable for this position but there must be a winner, don't forget next week might be yours so don't give up now.

      We would like to inform you out there who will like to be given a chance to be in this type of position as the best blog of week should always drop their blog or website link below for review thank you.

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      How to Choose the Best Platform for Your Blog

      Blogging is so confusing that you won't be able to select or choose your preferred platform or even choose your preferred niche.

      First i was so worried on how to create a site on my own and also share my thought, so one day o decided to create some thing like this but i was not ok with that. on monday morning i was listening to wazobia fm one of the best nigeria radio station and guest what ? the topic was all about blogging

      My story then started through the google blogger platform which i created with my mobile phone and here it is today and my life as a blogger has been a shock to every newbie.

      Selecting the right platform for your content or business is essential as a bblogger. And also you need to know how to research for keyword and also creation of backlinks.

      For you to succeed you need to follow some advanced pros and cons of the most popular blogging platforms


      The Blogger platform is fun. It’s easy to navigate and I love that it’s integrated with all my Google Apps, and  also you need to customize your site with tweaking HTML.

      Blogger widgets that enable you to get use to codes, but it is mostly centered on adding Google products to your blog. Ultimately, Blogger has made every single thing more easier and accessible for it users and It’s easy to edit and publish posts and it has a ton of tools built it. And remember that the more you develope your blog also other platform are bringing new features too.

      WORDPRESS.ORG is wonderful. but I also use it for my personal blog. Though If you’re not, you can use plugins and themes that make sure you hardly ever have to touch a piece of code. Itis on of the platform by the developer community, and it has new tools and fresh themes and advanced for webmasters

      My advice is that try to get your WordPress blog, it can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have some technical knowledge already. You’ll have to worry about downloading an FTP client and grabbing a web host right off the bat (we have a guide that can help choose one).


      [Price: $8-$16 per month]

      To be Frank I have never created or hosted ant of my blog in squarespace before, but it has some fantastic features and a good platform wreoyou can create your e- commerce website like Jumia, Konga, Jiji.Ng and many more.

      In this platform you don't need to add any plugin, it just oute coding and that's all.


      [Price: Free for a month, then prices go up from $20-$100 for premium plans]

      Huh if we are to talk for the whole day I will discuss more about Joomla because this platform is among the top 3 best platform i choose to do my businesses.

      Joomla is a content management website that looks more cooperate than any other platform and it the most expensive of all platforms.


      Free, then $12 – $80 per

      The drupal is just the same ad joomla, it can be use to create e-commerce website, forum and cooperate website.

      With Drupal Gardens in your holster, I’d recommend using a simpler platform for your blog unless you are a technology-savvy pro blogger with solid plans to create a business.


      [Price: Free to start, upgrade available [$5 a month for additional features and $35 a year for a custom domain]

      Weebly is a platform that allow it users to navigate with excellent SEO capabilities wired in, but it didn’t strike me as the best blogging platform.

      Iy has a good drag-and-drop features, but be warned that editing the HTML and CSS of your site is pretty tricky. Since it’s not particularly cheaper or better designed than any of the previous options.


      Price: $9-$30 per month]

      If you think that is too simple and is too complex, Typepad is the perfect compromise. Like, Typepad blogs are all hosted on their server, but you have a lot of customization options available. It’s still fairly hard to edit their code, but it offers more extensive themes and blog plugins than If you’re looking for a semi-robust platform that’s a middle step between and, Typepad might be a good option for you.


      Price: Free

      This platform is owned by Yahoo, Tumblr is an interesting platform to consider. Like the earlier content management systems, Tumblr is really easy to get set up and start blogging. As far as specific blogging customization options, it doesn’t have much over Blogger or, but one of its top selling points is its culture and community.

      Tumblr blogs usually contain images, gifs or video but with less text.

      “Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.”

      As a blogger, everything that you do flows from understanding your audience and seeking to help them as much as possible.
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