But the topic am on today will guide you on how to stop some online fraudsters and thieves.
This first tips will be on how to purchase any website
- Check this person's history. How much reputation do they have? What are their last 20 posts like?
- Check the site statistics. Go on to Alexa, what's the ranking? Is the website indexed in Google? Does it have cached pages? Is it indexed in MSN? Are there backlinks? What's the PR?
Remember our previous post on seo detailed list of action checklist
- Check other websites such as Sitepoint or WebMasterWorld or some of the other trading forums. Chances are you'll find the exact same listing. Read it, if it didn't sell on another forum, there's more than likely a reason why.
- Check if any of the content is copyrighted, or stolen. Choose some random phrases from the Article or content, then Google it with "quotations". Does it show up on other websites?
- How much does your hosting cost?
- How much resources does it use?
- What's the income?
- What's the income for the past 4 months?
- What ad networks do you use?
The buyer should be able to ask as many questions, stupid or otherwise. If the seller can't answer these honestly, or without hesitation. Take note.
This second tips will be on how to sell any website
- Give an auction end date, or a BIN. If you don't, it's just obvious you want the most money possible. Which isn't wrong, but doesn't come across well.
- Give an auction end date, or a BIN. If you don't, it's just Don't: Get angry with people if they start questioning things such as, where your content is from, is it copyrighted? Do you have full copyrights? If you can't answer these questions, just hope that your buyer is really stupid.obvious you want the most money possible. Which isn't wrong, but doesn't come across well.
- Give point form summarizations of what your website does. No need for a 1000 word essay. People don't read.
- Do give a URL to the website that you are selling. If you're afraid of a person stealing your content or whatever. That's going to happen anyways, and the person is buying your website because they themselves don't want to do it. Not giving a URL makes you look seedy.
Don't: Spam the forums to get the required number of posts. People do check your history before purchasing.
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